It Takes a Village


“After a while the middle-aged person who lives in her head begins to talk to her soul, the kid.” 

Anne Lamott

“The Kid”

This summer I began to listen to my inner child–“the kid” Anne Lamott talks about in the above quote. 

My inner child was tired of waiting for me to spend time with her. Since I had put her on hold for so long, she told me she’d heard it took a village to raise a child. She was sure we both needed a village–a family–a tribe.

We lived outside of town. I didn’t know how to tell her we did not have our own village.

She was quiet and I could see and feel she was thinking hard about this situation. After some somber moments, she looked up into my eyes and asked, “Why don’t we build one?”

What a great idea.

For the past few weeks we have been building our village. As our town grows, Little B wants to show the homes and introduce the people who will join us in these adventures.

We have one home to show today. It is the oldest home in the village owned by the senior member of our community. The woman living here is considered the wise-one. Some call her a Shaman. Others call her a witch. We call her Ms. V.

Our friends here in Burton Township are moving in as their homes are completed. Everyone is excited to be close to Ms. V. and learn from her. Little B is thrilled to have so many teachers. 

As we left Ms. V., she gave us both hugs and told us to come back soon. She has a lot to share. Little B took the photo to share.

“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” 

Meister Eckhart

Peace be with you,  my friends. 


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