Odds and Ends

I cannot find a focal point for my writing tonight. Since I have started writing again, I have become much more aware of what happens around me. I look for topics throughout the day I can share in my posts. It is an unexpected bonus but comes with what appears to be a pretty long learning curve.

I discovered a post on Facebook today about my niece, Ashley. She was interviewed about her eating disorder and how her trip to Europe helped her combat her demons.  That was brave of you, Ashley. I have no doubt that the answers you so honestly gave will help others. The author captured your personality very well–congratulations to you both. May your words comfort and encourage many.

We have, until a few days ago, had a mystery at our house. This mystery revolves around a visitor that shows up at our house at least two or three times a week. He or she arrives after dusk and before sunrise, positioning themselves under our bedroom windows.  Whatever creature makes this very loud and nearly constant noise is extremely illusive. A couple of days ago I thought the sound was similar to that of a whip-poor-will. After listening to the recorded sounds of that bird on-line, what we heard was not quite right. What we did discover was another little nocturnal bird that is common in our area. We listened to the recorded sound of this bird and–TA DA–our mystery is solved.  What we have been  hearing is a bird called Chuck Will’s Widow. The person who had the bird’s call on YouTube said that this bird never shuts up. Pretty much describes it. This huge mouthed bird goes on and on and on. If you want to hear what we hear, Google Chuck Will’s Widow. You will be thankful you can shut the recording off.

Tonight, I am going to head to bed early in hope I can get an early start on some sleep. With a little luck, I can get in a few hours before “the Chuck” shows up.

I am

B…simply being…

Love and peace to all.